Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Final Camping Trip

So, we went camping again. (Yes, that's right ... the THIRD time this month). Fortunately, it's the last one of the summer. I was pretty burnt out by the time we got home. It was the church camping trip, but pretty much it was the young families of the church. That means that there were sixteen kids, the oldest being 6 years old. It was nutty. And fun. But really really nutty.

My favorite quote of the weekend was by a little girl named Bekkah, who is five years old and my shadow all weekend. She said, "When I grow up, I think I'm going to be a princess." This from the girl who told me, "My mommy told me that mermaids aren't real." That was after my girls and I were discussing whether or not mermaids lived in the beautiful pools along the river.

However, the all-time funniest story goes to Corbin: On the way down, the kids were eating chips in the car, and Corbin got chip crumbs all over himself and his carseat. (you're shocked, right?) So they start itching him, and he starts yelling at us from the back seat: "Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug bite me!! Ladybug bite me!!" As you can imagine, Steven and I are totally mystified. We explained that there were no ladybugs in the car and that ladybugs don't bite, but he was having none of it. He's getting himself more and more hysterical because he's convinced that ladybugs are in his car seat and biting him. We finally had to pull over, get him out, show him the crumbs, clean everything up, and explain that there were NO LADYBUGS!! All weekend, anything that itched or hurt was ladybugs biting him. We think that with all the camping talk about bug bites (from mosquitos, except that no one ever says mosquitos), he's made the translation to ladybugs.

He IS pretty obsessed with biting right now, though. He is petrified of dogs biting him, even though he's never experienced a mean dog, but he won't leave grandma's cat alone even though he's been bitten by Sorah more than once. And he's obsessed with riding horses (he calls them all "Neigh") but always wants to know if horses bite. And every other animal or bug, he has to know if they bite. And then he wants to hear it again. And again. And then 20 minutes later he needs you to tell him again.

For all the activity, busyness, and mess, two years old is a REALLY fun age!

1 comment:

Garrett, Carolynn, Jack Danger and Max Havoc said...

so you know, for future reference, it's Sora, not Sorah. Just in case, you know, you wanted to be accurate. :)