Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Sick Month

It seems that every year, between the beginning of January and the ending of March, we have a sick month. All the colds and flu bugs that are floating around wipe viciously and rampantly through our family. First Corbin, then Steven, then me, then Corbin, then Eliana, then me again, then Corbin, then Eliana, then me. And you did read that correctly ... Olivia has NOT gotten sick at all during this month of mayhem. (knock on wood) Just when I think we're coming out of it, bam! Someone else gets sick. And I run myself ragged trying to keep things together, and I get sick over and over. Most of the time, I'm well enough that I can't completely collapse. So I function while I'm feeling awful week after week after week. I think Corbin gets it so often because he isn't at school yet and not built up all those antibodies. But his sisters bring home the germs. Eliana seems to recover quickly when she gets it. My only guess with Olivia is that maybe 'cause they're so strict about washing hands and using hand sanitizer at her preschool that she's safe ... 

So now we're dragging towards the end of the month, and I'm drained. I'm so burnt out that I'm ready to scream. I had a wonderful date with my husband this past Sunday (we went to a great garden store together), and I thought I would recover nicely from the bout of sickness. I was hopeful and excited to put myself and our house back together. But that night, Eliana started barfing, and then Corbin joined her the next morning. And when I was ready to send Eliana back to school, she barfed again. Now my throat feels like someone scraped it down. I napped on the couch this afternoon (not very restfully, since I was refereeing every five minutes), and I sent the kids outside to play in the beautiful sunshine. (Eliana seems completely healthy, despite her barfing last night) I'm so so so done with this. 

Please, can I have my life back?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What happens when Mommy is sick?

My incredibly sweet husband took an extra sick day for me this week when I woke up yesterday morning so sick I couldn't function. I slept basically from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and went back to bed at 7 p.m. (and I spent most of the hours in between laying down). But somehow, life doesn't seem to stop for Mommy.

I was woken up every hour or so by Corbin "checking on me" ... he would come in, get really close to my face, and say, "Hi, Mommy!! Hi, Mommy!! Hi, Mommy!!" until I responded, then ask if I was sick, and then leave. 

Twice, Corbin came in to ask me to take him potty, even though Steven was completely capable (and already in the room with Corbin before he sought me out).

Olivia came in twice to ask for a drink of my water or to tell me she was hungry. 

Steven woke me up once to tell me he made me banana muffins (which were delicious). I got up long enough to eat one before I collapsed again. 

Our dinner was pizza. Lunch was mac & cheese. He took the kids to ice cream for a snack.

And I got up this morning, still feeling icky but at least functioning, (Steven went back to work) to the kitchen looking like a tornado hit it ... the pizza box still out, the empty milk carton in the sink, and dirty dishes everywhere. 

To Steven's credit, he was feeling icky still himself. 

I hope I never get sick again.