Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bedtime Prayers

At bedtime, we pray with the kids every night. Each family member gets a chance to pray, and if one of the kids doesn't want to pray, we always tell them, "you can pray for two people." For Eliana, this isn't usually an issue ... she wants to pray for everyone we know. Olivia, on the other hand, usually prays for herself and mommy ... since that qualifies as two people. Corbin has been taking a turn ever since he was old enough to understand that it's something he can participate in. The caveat of this is that often we don't understand what he's saying. So we chuckle at what he says and move on. Lately he's been praying a lot for "Mommy, Daddy, Pee-po ...." and we have no idea what "Pee-po" is, but it's cute, and he's very sincere. Until tonight, when it just clicked. We remind Olivia almost every night that she can pray for two people. And so Corbin prays, "Mommy, Daddy, too pee-po ..."

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