Friday, November 14, 2008


My sweet Eliana is very sick today. I think the saddest part is that she's so brave about it. Fever, headache, runny nose, cough, with some barf thrown in there during the night. I think the barf is cause she gets too much phlegm in her little tummy.

So after I dropped Olivia off at school today, we went to the grocery store because the only thing she wanted to eat was strawberries. How could I resist that? While we were there she also decided she wanted yogurt and chicken noodle soup. She sat in the cart, wrapped in a blanket, giving her sick-voiced little comments and questions. So pray that she gets better, 'cause she makes me feel so sad! Even right now she's curled up on the couch reading to Corbin because she felt bad that I was refusing to read to him while I was on the computer. I know, I'm a mean mom. And she's very sweet.

On the positive, today is my first prenatal! We get to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time. I'm just praying there's only one!

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