Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So this morning  I was in the mood for scones ... maybe because I have been really wanting a girly tea party, but that's beside the point. I had the oven turned on and was sorting some papers waiting for it to heat up, when I started smelling something. Not realizing it was coming from the oven,  I started searching the house looking for the melting plastic smell. Finally, it clicked. I opened the oven, and there was a melting blob of green plastic. I scooped it out and ran cold water over it, hoping to discern what this odorous green blob was. Unable to discern its origins,  I began questioning my two "angels." Olivia seemed genuinely confused and shocked, but Corbin had this stricken look on his face and didn't say anything. I looked hard at him, and thought back to what he'd been playing with this morning .... ah-hah! "Corbin, did you put the green turtle in the oven?" After the solemn look for a moment, Corbin nods ... "Yeh." He says quietly. I began moaning and groaning and making a big deal about how it stunk and now the turtle is ruined and he can never play with it again and then made quite a ceremony out of throwing it in the garbage ... yes, overkill, but I'm  hoping he really gets the message. Drama can go a long way in these types of situations. But after I'd made my point and retreated into the kitchen to finish making my breakfast, I began snickering to myself. Seriously, it was funny.

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