Friday, June 27, 2008

The End of Day Camp (finally)

Today was the last day of day camp. I feel bad to say it, but I'm very relieved. Olivia had a hard time making it through the week. She completely melted down this morning getting into our carpooler's car. Corbin and I waved goodbye to her crying, tearstained face as they drove away. It wasn't the first meltdown this week. We decided to cancel the August camp for her. I thought she might have a problem with it, but she seemed fine. Hopefully it won't be different when it actually happens. I told her that we'd do some fun things instead ... like a date and a tea party. She's already planning our tea party, so hopefully that works out well. It's just hard watching big sister do things without you. Although, I have to admit, it's one of the best benefits of them being so opposite .... the same things just don't matter. (it's amazing how sometimes that's frustrating too)

Eliana's attitude came to a head this evening when she called me an idiot because my bike was parked in her way. Needless to say, she spent a long while in her room before we both felt ready for her to face the world again.

So on to bigger and better things. Like planning for the fourth of july. With a myriad of activities to choose from and my need to plan ahead, Steven is probably in for more long "Fourth of July Planning" conversations than he'd like. It's a good thing he loves me so much!

1 comment:

Garrett, Carolynn, Jack Danger and Max Havoc said...

i have a darling tiara i wore at work on my birthday that olivia might love to wear at her tea parties..