Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Birthdays via Photo

Corbin's Birthday on Friday, July 25th. I can't believe he's actually two years old! While he was trying on his new clothes, including his light up Diego shoes that he LOVES, Olivia said, "You look hottie! That's a fancy word for bespecially cute!"

The Big Birthday Bash on Saturday, July 26th to celebrate both Corbin's birthday and Eliana's birthday. Somehow, I didn't get a single picture of Eliana opening presents. I can't even believe it. Corbin's favorite, hands down, were the tools from grandpa. Big surprise. Eliana's Aunti Jenn and Aunti Care were having a contest to see whose birthday present was Eliana's favorite. So when Aunti Jenn asked Eliana which was her favorite present, she started listing them all, and finally said, "I just like them all!"

My birthday cake masterpieces. Eliana's was a white cake with white chocolate raspberry cream cheese filling, and Corbin's was a banana chocolate chip with chocolate hazelnut cream cheese filling. I know. You're so impressed. And it was my first time. This is where you say, "OOOOh! AAAAAh!"

Olivia was well able to entertain herself and anyone who cared to be entertained during the party. Olivia actually got a couple of presents too, one of which was a bug puzzle. When someone pointed out to her that it was a puzzle about bugs, she excitedly said, "Yes! I'm a bug expert, you know!"

Grandpa Harland got out his metal detector after the party. I think my kids will be "detecting" and "digging" for weeks now. Olivia was using a plastic golf club for detecting, and Corbin was using some of his new tools to dig in the grass. After finding a couple of pennies, Eliana said, "Just tell me if you find the silver money, that's the only kind I want!"

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